
Shoes and Change

Have you ever thought about how the everyday things in our life that we take for granted change over time?  Take shoes for instance.  Are you wearing the same style of shoes you wore in high school?  I remember wearing tall boots and wedge heels and although these styles are making a comeback they are different.  I also remember saddle shoes were very popular and were making a comeback from the 50's (yes, I'm old!).  It would  be fun to create some pages in your albums of everyday items so you can look back in the future and remember what things were like in 2010.  You might just want to create a collage or you may have a story to go with it.  I know I get my love of shoes from my Mom.  She always had the perfect shoes to match each outfit.  When we are out shopping we never pass by a shoe department and many times end up leaving with a new pair.

If you don't want to create a full page think about taking pictures of everyday items and including as part of your regular pages.  How about a picture of your cell phone?  the remote control?   your car? 

What other items can you think of that will change over time that we should photograph?  Please share them in the comments section below.  You may inspire someone else to create a page.  If you do create a page with these items please share it with me also. 

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