
Election Day

I hope you all had a chance to get out and vote today.  We are very fortunate to live in a country where we can freely exercise our right to vote (or choose freely not to vote).  Every election shows the power of our democracy and the freedoms we are blessed with.  It would be good to include an entry in your album with your thoughts about the election.  Whether your candidate wins or loses it is good to document your feelings.  You can write about why you voted for someone and what you hope they will achieve in office.  You can write about how you participated in the democratic process or supported a candidate if you chose to get personally involved in the process.  You could write about your feelings of being an American and voting in general.  But the important thing is to document this event.  It will be interesting to look back in the future and read what you wrote.  You will be able to see if your candidate was able to accomplish what you hoped for.  But most importantly you and your family will be able to read about how you felt at this particular moment in time. You may even find that with time your opinions change. 

"Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be."  ~Sydney J. Harris

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