
Thanksgiving Photo Ideas

At this time when we all pause to give thanks I want to thank you for the time and effort you put into preserving your photos and telling your stories so they can be enjoyed now and in the future.  You are creating a true legacy of love for your families.

Here are a few things to think about in the next few days. In addition to taking all the usual photos remember to take some photos of the prep work.  Get Mom or Grandma or Dad or whomever working in the kitchen  - making the pies, peeling the potatoes, etc.  If you ever thought about preserving some of your family recipes now is the time to take pictures of both the prep work and the finished dish.  Take some close-ups of the family china or other special mementos of the holiday season. 

Keep a record of things you are thankful for.  You can have each person write something on journaling boxes, keep a large poster board in a prominent place and have everyone write on it when they think of something, go around the table and have someone jot down what people are thankful for.  You get the idea, use whatever works for your family.  Make sure to get pictures of each person to include later on your gratitude album page.

Check back here this weekend for some page layout ideas. 

Enjoy the time with your families and the many blessings in your life.

Share some of your own ideas for photos to take over the holidays in the comments section.  I am sure you will also inspire some other readers. 

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