
Want a StoryBook in more than one size?

Have you ever wanted to get a StoryBook in a large 12x12 size for yourself then a smaller 8x8 hardcover or softcover book for someone else?  Creative Memories has just now added an option to make this super easy to do.  Create your book in the 12x12 size and after you upload it to the Creative Memories Digital Center you have the option of ordering it in any of three sizes - 12x12 hardcover, 8x8 hardcover, or 8x8 softcover.  Just put the number of copies you want of each size and Voila!  you are done.  Remember you have to create the book in the 12x12 size to get this option. 

This option works great for weddings - big book for bride and groom and then smaller for bridesmaids, parents, grandparents, etc; for reunions - let the participants choose the size and price they want to pay; for coaches - make the large book for the coach and let the parents choose the size and price they want to pay; for any groups - drama, music, clubs, etc.; for recipe books - let everyone choose the size they want.  Also it is a great option to create a large book for your family then order a smaller one for the grandparents. 

If you are planning on doing this be careful with your font sizes if you are doing a lot of journaling.  The font in the smaller book will be about 2/3 the size of the font in the larger book.  This is only an issue if you are using a size 10 or smaller font.  If you are doing this you may want to use the convert feature in StoryBook Creator and adjust your font sizes in the smaller book.

At this point in time the automatic option is not available for 11x8.5 books buy you can easily use the convert feature in StoryBook Creator to change your 11x8.5 hardcover into a 7x5 softcover.

It couldn't be easier to share your creations with your loved ones at various size and price points.

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