
Another 365 Idea

There is still time to take the 365 Challenge - a picture a day for all of 2011.  If you missed the first two days it is OK you can add a photo from another day.  This doesn't have to be perfect so don't obsess over it.  Just do the best you can.  Read my previous post to learn more about this challenge.

If you want a really fast way to do this project you can create a calendar page in StoryBook Creator Plus and just drop in a photo for each day.  I would suggest that you plan on a 12x12 Book and a 2-page spread for each month - one page with this calendar and the opposite page with a few favorites from the month enlarged and some journaling about the month.  At the end of the year you will have a completed StoryBook of 26 pages (12 months of 2 page spreads, a title page and a last page with special photos).

If you need any help creating this calendar please let me know.  The one shown here is very basic but you can add your own background papers, fonts, etc.  Get creative.

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