
Looking to free us space on your computer?

If you've been working on organizing your pictures and have been deleting the bad ones it is time to clean out your recycle bin.  When you delete a photo in Memory Manager it puts it into a temporary recycle bin so if you accidentally delete it you can get it back.  But this means that the picture has not been removed from your computer and it is still taking up space.  Periodically it is a good idea to empty this recycle bin. Here are the steps to do that:

1. From the Welcome Screen in Memory Manager click on Show Me More Details
2. Click on the Support Tab
3. Choose View the Recycle Bin
4. Choose Empty the Recycle Bin
5. Choose Clear the Thumbnail Cache - this is not necessary but I do it every time I empty the recycle bin.  You can also delete the temporary files while you are here.

The above procedure will remove the photos totally from your computer.  But while you are in a clean-up mode why don't you empty the recycle bin on your computer.  It's easy to think we are deleting things but forget to empty these bins.

I just emptied my Memory Manager recycle bin and freed up 3.1 GB on my computer!  Share in the comments section how much memory you freed up on your computer.

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