
Albums provide a sense of connectedness

I wanted to share with you a letter from Creative Memories in Japan about the importance of albums in our life.  After such a horrible disaster they are finding that the importance of our memories and stories is one of the most powerful tools they have to rebuild and go on with their lives.  With our busy lives it really is important to take the time to do something with our photos.  We are creating our own legacy and are providing our own families with a sense of connectedness and love.  From simple to complex I am here to help you tell your story, your way. 

Dear Consultants and Office Team Members in North America, On behalf of the Japanese Consultants and the office team, I thank you very much for the album filled with your warm and thoughtful messages.  It was a big happy surprise, and we cannot wait to share the album with the Japanese Consultants at coming meetings and trainings.   We fall in love with albums because of importance of Creative Memories mission.  However, we have never felt its significance this much.  We are truly learning now that it helps us look for hope.  An album itself represents power of KIZUNA (connectedness).   Some of our Consultants are still in a very tough situation.  As a country, we must go forward while dealing with many concerns.  Sense of KIZUNA is the most powerful asset to re-build a good society.  And Japanese Consultants and CMJ staff feel very
  proud that we could lead a society through albums as CM family members. A party of 40 Japanese Consultants and Japan office staff will come to your August Showcase in Minneapolis.  This is the very first trip for Japanese Consultants to visit the NA head office.  We are greatly looking forward to seeing all of you!   ARIGATO (Thank you.) Best regards, Yukiko Okubo, General Manager, Creative Memories Japan

Creative Memories Mission: Creative Memories believes in and teaches the importance of preserving the past, enriching the present, and inspiring hope for the future.  We strive to re-establish the tradition of the photo historian/storyteller and the importance memory preservation and journaling for future generations. We offer quality photo-safe products and information that utilize cutting-edge technology.  We provide profitable career opportunities for those who believe in and want to share the Creative Memories philosophy, value, and ethics.  We offer a successful company that provides joy, dignity, and pride for Creative Memories consultants and staff members. 

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