
Albums Touch Lives

The albums we create have more power than we probably realize.  The following was shared by Cathy Wallin, a sister Creative Memories consultant,  about her Dad, Rusty McKellar, who passed away on April 15, 2012.  I share it here with her permission.  It was written back in February while her Dad was in the hospital.  Sometimes even the small books have a greater impact than we ever imagine when we are creating them. 

"While my father has been in the hospital for the last 22 days (19 in ICU), the digital Storybooks that I made for him have been a great comfort. Numerous doctors, nurses, and assistants have taken a minute, or several, to look through their 50th Anniversary album that chronicles their 50 years together.

Two weeks ago, when a doctor mentioned that on his day off, he had attended a cub scout Pine Wood Derby with his boys, my brother immediately reached for my parents' 50th Anniversary book. He showed the doctor a picture of our dad in scout uniform. Dr. G. immediately noticed that they were a part of the same Scout Council. Then, his eyes went wide when he saw that Dad had been awarded the Silver Beaver, the highest honor bestowed on an adult scout.  At that point, I recalled the small paper back Storybook in my bag that tells the story of Dad's discovery at scout camp of the largest piece of petrified wood ever found in NC.

Dr. G. stood next to dad's bed in the ICU reading. He then looked up to say that, as a young scout, he had sat on Dad's rock in the dining hall at scout camp. He apologized for asking, but continued, asking if it were possible to get a copy of the book. I replied that he could have that one and he immediately slipped it into his white coat. Later, while sitting in the hallway, I saw him leave the ICU reading as he walked down the hallway. Days later, Dad was alert and able to smile as Dr. G told him that as a scout camper for fifteen years and more years as a counselor, he had admired Dad's rock, and that it was an honor to meet the man who had placed it there. Dr. G also told dad that next month when he takes his son to camp for the first time, he will be able to tell about the man who discovered the petrified wood in the dining hall.

Unlike a hand made album, Storybooks are small and light enough to carry into the hospital. We do not worry about leaving them in his room because they are replaceable More importantly, they have allowed his nursing staff and even doctors to see the man that he is rather than just their very sick patient who just a few days ago was "essentially comatose" on a respirator."

Now wipe away the tears and keep plugging away at your projects.  Please let me know if there is any way I can help you.  You are creating lasting legacies for your families.  I'm proud of each and every one of you.

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