
Gutter View Options

The latest update to StoryBook Creator 4.0 changed the way you view the gutter when designing your book.  You now have the option of viewing the gutter of a regular book or choosing to view the gutter for a lay-flat book.  The new lay-flat option is only available in new projects that you create after the update.  If you want to use this new option in a book you are currently working on you can create a new project and import the pages from your current project into the new project. 

As always be sure to leave at least 1/4" to 1/2" inside the trimmed or gutter view of anything important such as text or photos.  This is not a perfect system and leaving some extra room assures you nothing will get cut out in the manufacturing process. 

Here is a short video that gives you all the details about the new option.

Please call me with any questions.

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