
Custom Card Idea

Here is an idea for a versatile custom card.  You create a card that has an area where you can adhere a 4x6 photo before sending it but instead of leaving that 4x6 slot blank you fill it in with some papers and maybe a quote.  This way if you don't have a photo to attach you can send the card anyway.  These can be created on the 5x7 flat or folded cards.  If you are doing a flat card you might want to put just A note from: and your name on the back on some coordinating paper.  If you are doing a folded card you could even create another photo slot for the top inside of the card.  Of course you could always make these in the portrait orientation too.  The possibilities are endless.  These make very unique cards and for a lot less than cards in the stores.  Plus cards are on sale for 20% off through December 31.  I know you might not have time to make your cards now but you can always purchase a product credit and have 180 days to make your card. 

Note: The Enchanted Power Palette was used to create this sample. 

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