
Memory Usage in StoryBook Creator 4.0

StoryBook Creator 4.0 allows you to use very large images so that the clarity on your final project is exceptional.  Plus with our newer digital cameras having an increased number of mega-pixles our StoryBook files are becoming enormous.  This has recently been a problem with a number of customers as well as my own computer and projects.  There are several ways you can optimize the memory on your computer when working in StoryBook Creator 4.0.  I have created these step-by-step directions for you to follow. 

One of the most important things is to SAVE - SAVE - SAVE!  I know I fall into the same habit of working on a page for a long period of time and not saving during the process.  But you really save yourself a lot of frustration if you remember to save every 15 to 20 minutes.  It is especially critical if you are working on posters or calendars.  These files are extra large due to the larger size of the finished product so it is extremely important to save very frequently with these projects. 

If you have optimized the memory on a page and then decide later you want to make some changes you may have a problem is you try to increase the size of a photo or element on a page.  You will get the yellow triangle warning.  All you have to do is add that photo or element to the page again and you should be able to size it larger. 

Please call me if you have questions.

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