
Audio and Video files in Memory Manager

Did you know that Memory Manager can manage your video and audio files in addition to your photos? You have the option to see only your audio or video files by choosing the drop down arrow under your photos (and above the time line) that probably says Show All Media Types.

If you are importing audio or video files from you camera or other device into your Memory Manager Software, make sure to save them to your hard drive first. Then use the “Get Media” feature on the software to import those files into your media library.

Creative Memories has discovered that when you plug in a camera and try to get media through the Get Media > Camera option, it treats images as we are used to, gets them directly into the Media Library. But Audio and Video files are treated a little differently. Depending on how your camera is read by the software it may allow the audio and video files to be brought in directly. But this is generally not the case.

I don’t want you to assume your audio and video files have been imported, delete them you’re your camera, and then find out they were not brought into Memory Manager. With so many different cameras out there and everything changing so quickly in the technology world, Creative Memories can’t put a list of every camera and what will happen with each. It is good to get in the habit of doing this so if you get a new camera that does not automatically read the audio and video files you will not lose them.

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